Services We Do Not Provide
Mold Testing and Remediation
Leaking homes and over-sized air conditioning systems that have been built since the early 1950's have a propensity to grow mold. Engineered Comfort, Inc. is involved in the forensic testing and remediation of the causes for mold growth in many homes.
However, the identification and removal of the mold itself must be done by an entity certified to do that type of work. They have specific training in the area of mold remediation and the tools, equipment and expertise to remove the mold. They also have the necessary insurance to cover your liability in the area of mold remediation. Once the source of the mold is determined and the mold is removed, Engineered Comfort, Inc. can make the necessary remediation to limit the ability of the mold to return.
Vertical Bore Drilling/Major Earthwork
Engineered Comfort installs several geothermal systems each year. However, we are not licensed to do major earth work ourselves. Due to the limited number of days per year that we involve this service and the high expense of man and machinery to do this type work, Engineered Comfort, Inc. has key subcontractors that we use to accomplish this critical level of work. All subcontractors that we use are licensed and insured.
Lowest Bid Building Projects
Engineered Comfort, Inc. is a design and build entity where we produce our own designs for a project and then install the systems that we design. Since our designs and installations exceed the standard building, mechanical and energy codes, typical bid and spec projects don't achieve the performance that our systems provide and are generally a less expensive. When you invest in Engineered Comfort, you are investing in a company that has engineering licenses to sign off and take full ownership of their work. When other air conditioning contractors that don't have our High Performance ideals are bidding a job to see who can get the cheapest, the person that loses the most in the deal is the homeowner. We opt out of this environment as we have no desire to work in an environment that is, by its nature, designed to be adversarial and cheap.
We compete with our ideas, our character, and the performance of our systems.