Our purpose at Engineered Comfort, Inc is to create high performance indoor environments that are Efficient, Comfortable, and Healthy.
Efficiency of the homes and buildings that we are constructing is becoming ever more important. The impact we are having on the environment needs to be better managed, and the economics of inefficient homes are going to continue to be a problem. The interior of a home must be completely sealed off from the outside and insulated to perfection. Our goal is to maintain maximum effectiveness at minimum energy, reducing the carbon footprint of the homeowner and saving money on utility bills. The less air that escapes the envelope of your house and the less your equipment will run, saving you money on your utility bill and allowing your equipment to last longer.
Comfortable means different things to different clients when talking about their homes. Some want each bedroom to be independently managed, others want certain rooms to have sound deadening in the walls, etc. We are often asked what our price per ton is and we don’t have an answer to that. Every home is different, and Engineered Comfort designs unique systems for each house based on cubic footage, types of insulation used, square footage of windows, and even which way the sun rises and sets. We are able to reach maximum comfort desired in a home and do so while installing smaller equipment due to our ability to properly insulate and air seal a house.
The proper implementation of our heating, air conditioning, and insulation systems will make the environment that one is living in far more healthy in key areas such as humidity, dust, and filtration. Sealing the house and duct system, properly sizing the air conditioning systems, and installing better filters will prevent both low and high humidity conditions. It will also prevent dust and pollen conditions within the home, and will efficiently filter any dust that can travel through the air stream. This attention to detail will make your house more healthy as a structure as well as create an environment that is more healthy for the people in the home.
Aiming simply to meet code is building the lowest quality house that is legally allowed. Engineered Comfort has been exceeding local building codes since 2001.

High Performance Indoor Environments
High Performance Homes are obtained by exceeding the requirements of the local building, mechanical, and energy codes. Every room is engineered for efficiency, comfort, and health.
Our HVAC Systems are designed by a licensed mechanical engineer. Once the system is designed, the implementation of the construction process is monitored and managed to meet the design and specification standards.
One of our competitors once told a potential client of ours, "if you are going to let Engineered Comfort do the job, then everything has to be perfectly right". We took their comment as a complement to us and unfortunately an indictment of our industry.
When the construction is near completion, the home is tested by a blower door test, visual inspection, and thermal imaging to ensure that the design standards have been met. Once the new or existing home construction is completed, Engineered Comfort, Inc.'s Equipment and Efficiency Maintenance Program gives our clients an opportunity to maintain their systems in like-new condition for as long as possible.